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FWPQ 14 OF 2022-2023

Formal written price quotations are hereby requested from competent and reputable service providers to provide Podium and Gazebo for Tswelopele Local Municipality

Specifications as follows:

FWPQ NO 14 of 2022-2023 Podium and Gazebo


SCM related enquires to be directed to Ms. Puseletso Mashiane at 051 853 1111

Acting Municipal Manager

TJ Matyesin




Formal written price quotations are hereby requested from competent and reputable service providers to provide electrical Inventory for stores.

Download Specifications: FWPQ 13 OF 2022-2023 Supply and Delivery of Electrical Inventory for Stores

SCM related enquires to be directed to Ms. Puseletso Mashiane at 051 853 1111

Acting Municipal Manager
TJ Matyesin
01 March 2023


Tswelopele Local Municipality is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and requires the services of a suitable qualified persons with relevant experience to fill the following vacancy. Persons designated in terms of applicable legislations as historically disadvantaged individual as well as people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.

Internal & External Advertisement

[Department: Community Services]

REQUIREMENTS: Gr 12 with N. Diploma / B. Tech Traffic Safety Management or Road Traffic Management or Traffic Management or equivalent • Computer literacy and financial management skills • 5 years’ work related experience • Experience in a local authority traffic management legislation will be advantageous • The ability to develop and work with other persons, ability to work well under pressure, good report writing skills • Excellent written and oral communication and facilitation skills • Valid code B driver’s license.

CORE RESPONSIBILITIES: Be responsible for the management and coordination of municipal traffic service functions and personnel – Law enforcement traffic transgression and municipal by-laws. • Develop short, medium and long-term traffic law enforcement strategies. •Be responsible for the execution and management, development, planning and design functions with regard to the traffic management plan. • Plan and facilitate law enforcement operations with personnel and ensure that all traffic regulations and laws are effectively enforced. • Conduct research and inspection and propose possible intervention in addressing the expansion of traffic demands in line with the IDP of the Municipality. • Develop an institute an effective reporting system in the section to aid Council in the management of the service delivery. • Administering road accidents, road safety unit and supporting emergency and rescue personnel during major disasters. • Managing and ensuring that any risk to public safety or contravention to traffic regulations and laws are identified and corrective measures enforced on offenders. • Managing and coordinates speed checking, road blocks, special operations, traffic patrol duties and attends to court cases. • Maintain effective and efficient stakeholders’ relations and ensure all general protocols, policy and procedures are adhered to. • Manages and ensure all administrative sequences related to statutory documentation, registers and statistics are performed.

SALARY: R28 469.00 p/m [T12/1]

BENEFITS: Normal fringe benefits applicable to a Grade 2 municipality.

CLOSING DATE: 14 March 2023 @ 16:00

Further information please contact Director Community Services, Tel 051 853 1111.

Applications on the prescribed official form, with a comprehensive CV, should be forwarded to: The Municipal Manager, PO Box 3, Bultfontein 9670.

PLEASE NOTE: Application forms are available from the official website [] and from the reception desks. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Certified copies of academic qualifications and a copy of your curriculum vitae must accompany all application forms.

If not contacted within 30 days after the closing date, applicants should regard their applications as having been unsuccessful. The municipality reserves the right to not make any appointments.

Fraudulent qualifications / documentation / driver’s licence, will immediately disqualify any applicant. A candidate who canvasses any councillor for preference will be disqualified from the selection process or from appointment.


22 February 2023


Tswelopele Local Municipality is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and requires the services of a suitable qualified persons with relevant experience to fill the following vacancy. Persons designated in terms of applicable legislations as historically disadvantaged individual as well as people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



REQUIREMENTS: Grade 12 with previous secretarial experience • Computer Literacy • MS Word • MS Excel • PowerPoint • Receiving / Sending E-mail • Typing speed 40 wpm • Good organizational skills • Arranging / coordinating meetings, functions, appointments, etc • Good communication- / inter- personal skills.

RESPONSIBILITY / DUTIES: Provide secretarial services to the Director daily to ensure the necessary support • Managing the day-to-day activities of the Director to ensure the effective planning of his/her day, • Provide a personnel assistance service daily to the Director to ensure proper functioning of the office, • Ensure the effective organising of meetings/events and related activities thereof to promote professionalism and efficiency. • Observes and supervises utilisation, application and maintenance of equipment and material to ensure the safekeeping and the good condition thereof.

SALARY: R 13 182.00 p/m [T 7 / 1]

BENEFITS: Normal fringe benefits applicable to a Grade 2 municipality.

CLOSING DATE: 14 March 2023 @ 12:00

Further information is available from the Human Resource Section, Tel 051 853 1111.

Applications on the prescribed official form, with a comprehensive CV, should be forwarded to: The Municipal Manager, PO Box 3, Bultfontein 9670.

PLEASE NOTE: Application forms are available from the official website [] and from the reception desks. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Certified copies of academic qualifications and a copy of your curriculum vitae must accompany all application forms.

If not contacted within 30 days after the closing date, applicants should regard their applications as having been unsuccessful. The municipality reserves the right not to make any appointments.

Fraudulent qualifications / documentation / driver’s licence, will immediately disqualify any applicant. A candidate who canvasses any councillor for preference will be disqualified from the selection process or from appointment.

22 February 2023


Tswelopele Local Municipality is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and requires the services of a suitable qualified persons with relevant experience to fill the following vacancy. Persons designated in terms of applicable legislations as historically disadvantaged individual as well as people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



REQUIREMENTS: N2 Electrical Engineering qualification; Should be a qualified Electrician with Pump and Electrical Motor experience and 11 kV overhead and cable supply, low voltage networks and at least 3 years municipal experience • Trade Test is a requirement • 4 Years’ applicable working experience • Code 10 drivers’ licence • Ability to do high tension switching • Ability to work under pressure • After hours standby service is applicable. Relieve Hoopstad and Bultfontein Electrician.

RESPONSIBILITY / DUTIES: Interprets and co-ordinates specific pre-work / site requirements with regards to installation, repairs and, planned and predictive maintenance sequences and guides the activities of personnel to ensure requirements are coordinated and instructions communicated and understood enabling the efficient execution and completion of tasks/activities • Completes internal transactional documentation e.g time sheets, log sheet, progress and productivity fields report, etc) and related forms (vehicle checklist) to ensure details of activities are accurately recorded to facilitate the processing of information related to productivity personnel, time and material allocation and utilization for specific assignments • Performs specific tasks associated with the operation of heavy and/or specialized vehicles and equipment (Crane Trucks, etc) during electrical installation, repair and maintenance activities to ensure activities are executed in accordance with laid down instructions and guidelines and general and specific safety procedures are complied with • Co-ordinates activities associated with the construction and installations of medium/low voltage electrical networks to ensure installation and safety procedures and guidelines are complied with and tasks executed in accordance with standards associated with quality workmanship • Co-ordinates activities and sequences associated with maintaining the functionality to medium/low voltage electrical reticulation systems to ensure scheduled planned and predictive maintenance cycle and work procedures are complied enabling uninterrupted and optimum functionality of the electrical/power supply system • Coordinates activities/sequences associated with trouble shooting/fault finding and repairing to medium/low voltage reticulation and electrical systems to ensure faults are detected and repaired and functionality restored with disruption to services • Coordinates and controls the tasks/activities of personnel and allocates and prioritises outcomes to ensure personnel are capacitated and capable of performing at acceptable levels, deviations addressed and corrective measure implemented to sustain productivity and efficiency.

SALARY: R20 425.00 p/m [T10/1]

BENEFITS: Normal fringe benefits applicable to a Grade 2 municipality.

CLOSING DATE: 14 March 2023 @ 12:00

Further information is available from the Technical Services Manager telephone 051 853 1111

Applications on the prescribed official form, with a comprehensive CV, should be forwarded to: The Municipal Manager, PO Box 3, Bultfontein 9670.

PLEASE NOTE: Application forms are available from the official website [] and from the reception desks. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Certified copies of academic qualifications and a copy of your curriculum vitae must accompany all application forms. People who previously applied are welcomed to apply again.

If not contacted within 30 days after the closing date, applicants should regard their applications as having been unsuccessful. The municipality reserves the right not to make any appointments.
Fraudulent qualifications / documentation / driver’s licence, will immediately disqualify any applicant. A candidate who canvasses any councillor for preference will be disqualified from the selection process or from appointment.


22 February 2023

Manager Local Economic Development

Tswelopele Local Municipality is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer and requires the services of a suitable qualified persons with relevant experience to fill the following vacancy. Persons designated in terms of applicable legislations as historically disadvantaged individual as well as people with disabilities are encouraged to apply.



REQUIREMENTS: Relevant 3 year tertiary qualification • Computer skills; driver’s license • 5-8 Years’ relevant working experience • Ability to work under pressure • Sound knowledge and understanding of Local government legislation and constitutional mandate; • Sound knowledge and understanding of Local economic development project and programme management; • Knowledge and understanding of SCM processes and MFMA requirements; and understanding of the roles and interactions and complexities of the three spheres of government in economic empowerment and development.

RESPONSIBILITY / DUTIES: Manage the implementation of the LED projects and ensure compliance with the aims and objectives of the IDP• Co-ordinate the implementation of the LED strategies and programmes and ensure that the objectives are met and that optimum utilisation of available resources are achieved. • Assist government agencies and statutory institutions with the implementation of SMME support programmes so that the LEC objectives are chieved. •Facilitate the canvassing of funds other than state funds to promote the establishment of a developmental fund and the management thereof as Section 21 funds by also identifying funding opportunities for this fund. •Reporting on the needs / issues of concern / problems encountered whilst performing the laid down duties of the day for execution of tasks at hand.

SALARY: R46 846.00 p/m [T16/1]

BENEFITS: Normal fringe benefits applicable to a Grade 2 municipality.

CLOSING DATE: Friday, 17 February 2023 at 12:00.

Further information is available from the Manager Legal Services & Human Resource – Mr M Makwetla telephone 051 853 1111

Applications must on the prescribed official form, with a comprehensive CV, should be forwarded to: The Municipal Manager, PO Box 3, Bultfontein 9670.

PLEASE NOTE: Application forms are available from the official website [] and from the reception desks. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Certified copies of academic qualifications and a copy of your curriculum vitae must accompany all application forms. People who previously applied are welcomed to apply again.

If not contacted within 30 days after the closing date, applicants should regard their applications as having been unsuccessful. The municipality reserves the right not to make any appointments.
Fraudulent qualifications / documentation / driver’s licence, will immediately disqualify any applicant. A candidate who canvasses any councillor for preference will be disqualified from the selection process or from appointment.

29 January 2023

Director Technical Services

Tswelopele Municipality is an equal opportunity employer and invites applications from experienced, qualified, innovative, committed and energetic individuals with vision, for appointment to the following position on a five years fixed performance-based contract which will be based at Head Office, Bultfontein:


The above appointment will be made in compliance with the provisions of sections 56 & 57 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, Act 32 of 2000 and relevant Local Government Regulations applicable to the appointment of Senior Managers.

ANNUAL REMUNERATION PACKAGE-Total Remuneration Package: R859 002 [Minimum]; R965 171 [Midpoint]; R1 055 932 [Maximum] [Tswelopele Local Municipality is a Category 2 municipality in terms of the categorisation by Government Gazette 47538 of 18 November 2022 of which the current upper limit Total Remuneration Package is applicable]. The pay scale will be determined by competence.

BENEFITS / CONDITIONS OF EMPLOYMENT– A remote allowance of 4% of the total annual remuneration package.

KEY REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering / B Tech: Engineering, or equivalent • A minimum of five (5) years’ work related experience at middle management level, or as a programme/project manager, and 3-4 years must be at professional /management level, engineering management experience • Computer literacy • Valid driver’s licence.

ADDED ADVANTAGES: • Certificate in Municipal Financial Management Programme (MFMP or CPMD) as prescribed by National Treasury, Government Gazette No 29967 dated 15 June 2007 as well as a Certificate of Competency as required in terms of the General Machinery Regulations, 1988 • Any additional relevant qualifications • Electricity General Certificate of Competency • Registration as a Professional with a recognised professional body preferably in engineering sphere• A wealth of relevant hands-on experience in project management and information system management • 3-4 years’ management experience or as a project manager, preferably in municipal infrastructure environment.

KNOWLEDGE AND COMPETENCIES: The incumbent must have the following competencies as per notice 21 published in Government Gazette No. 37245 dated 17 January 2014: Strategic direction and leadership; people management; program and project management; financial management; change management and government leadership • Moral competence; planning and organising; analysis and innovation; knowledge and information management; communication and results and quality focus • Good knowledge and understanding of relevant policy and legislation • Good knowledge and understanding of institutional governance systems and performance management • Must have extensive knowledge of the public office environment • Must be able to formulate engineering master planning, project management and implementation • Have a working knowledge and understanding of Water Services Act and DORA • Have Competencies in Leadership; Analytical ability; Managerial experience; Strategic leadership and management skills; Strategic financial management; Operational financial management; and Governance, ethics and values

KEY PERFORMANCE AREAS: Technical Management responsibilities in areas ranging from water demand and conservation, public works management, waste water management and electricity management • Monitor Provincial Infrastructure Grant Projects • Road Construction and Rehabilitation Projects • Monitor Operation and Maintenance Projects • Technical support and evaluation of proposed projects in alignment with the respective Municipal IDP and the regional and provincial growth and development plans • Appraisal of civil engineering proposals, design reports and tender reports • Civil engineering design, estimation and tendering • Annual budgeting and cash flow management • Manage cash flows and committed project expenditure • Manage capacity building in the Technical Service section •Conduct site visits / meetings to ensure compliance to business plan conditions •Verify payment certificates and preparation of monthly payment schedule documentation•Maintain project performance data according to business plan • monitors service delivery and budget implementation plans (SDBIP) •Ensures proper risk management in the department

Submission of Applications: Applicants must use Annexure C [Application form] of the Local Government: Regulations on Appointment and Conditions of Employment of Senior Managers available at the municipal offices or on the municipal website: [All applications must be on the prescribed application form] and include a comprehensive CV with at least three contactable references and email addresses of the referees, originally certified copies of qualifications not older than three months. It is the applicant’s responsibility to have foreign qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority [SAQA] and to attach proof thereof, driver’s license and identity document. Only SA citizens or permanent residents are eligible to apply.

No faxed, e-mailed or late applications will be considered. Applications not made on the prescribed application form will not be considered

The applicant gives consent that their personal information may be accessed for verification purposes in adherence to the POPI Act. On appointment the appointee should not be holding any political office in a political party whether in a permanent, temporary or acting capacity.

Applications for this vacancy must be submitted and addressed to: The Municipal Manager, Tswelopele Local Municipality, PO Box 3, Bultfontein, 9670 or hand delivered at the municipal offices situated at Civic Centre, Bosman Street, Bultfontein.

Women and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The shortlisted / recommended candidates will be subjected to security vetting, competency based assessment over two days prior appointment, qualification verification and reference checks. The successful candidate will also be subjected to the signing of an Employment Contract on or before assumption of duty, and Annual Performance Agreement and Disclosure of Financial Interest form within 60 days of appointment and then annually thereafter within 30 days of the beginning of the financial year.

Council reserves the right to place and move candidates anywhere within the municipal jurisdiction as well as the right not to make any appointment to this position. Canvasing for appointment will automatically disqualify an applicant.

Further information / application forms are available from the Director Corporate Services, Mr SS Rabanye on 051 853 1111 during office hours.

CLOSING DATE: Friday, 17 February 2023 at 12:00.

If you have not heard from us within 3 months of the closing date, please accept that your application was not successful.

29 January 2023

Municipal Finance Management Internship Programme: 3 Positions [Two Year Contract]

Tswelopele Local Municipality is an equal opportunity employer and requires the services of a suitable qualified person with relevant experience to fill the following vacancy:

Municipal Finance Management Internship Programme: 3 Positions [Two Year Contract]

REQUIREMENTS:  A BComm degree in Financial Accounting or Economics / N.Dip in Cost and Management Accounting / Internal Auditing. • Shortlisted candidates may be subjected to competency assessment • The candidate must be between the ages of 21 and 35 years and be unemployed. It is specifically recorded that the municipality is under no obligation to absorb the Interns within its permanent structure during or at the end of the internship contract. • Preference will be given to candidates residing within Tswelopele Local Municipality.

INTERNSHIP OVERVIEW: The MFMIP is a structured professional training and work experience programme with the goal of providing high quality training and practical exposure in all aspects of a Municipal Budget and Treasury Office which is governed by the Municipal Finance Management Act • The programme has a logical training sequence that builds on the skills and competencies acquired during tertiary education • It ends where appropriate, with the credits or a qualification in Municipal Finance Management in line with Municipal Minimum Competency Regulations, Gazette 29967 of June 2007.

SALARY: R 96 000.00 per annum

CLOSING DATE: 31 January 2023 at 12:00

PLEASE NOTE:  Application forms are available from the official website [] and from the reception desks. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be accepted. Certified copies of academic qualifications and a copy of your curriculum vitae must accompany all application forms. Short listed candidates will be required to produce original copies of academic qualifications on the day of the interview.

Correspondence will ONLY be entered into with short listed candidates. If you do not receive notification regarding your application within one month of the closing date, kindly assume that your application was not successful.

Please forward all applications to: The Municipal Manager, Tswelopele Municipality, PO Box 3, BULTFONTEIN 9670.

05 January 2023